The "Culture" We Create

I recently returned from a visit to Hosanna Church of Rivne, Ukraine. It was a wonderful weekend of celebrating their 30th Anniversary as a local church. 30 years corresponds with the time of their freedom from Soviet rule, which didn’t allow a church like Hosanna to exist.

Most of my time their was spent in observation and contemplation. Hosanna has a “culture.” The reality is that every local church, every household, and yes, even on an individual level, we all create a “culture” or atmosphere.

Hosanna Church has a culture of gratitude, honor and generosity. They were overwhelmed by the goodness of God over their 30 years. They gave meaningful tribute and honor to their leaders. They gave what they could toward the ongoing work of a building for their ministry to their city. I could say a lot more about these three “culture” attributes. But experiencing these three cultural qualities of the people of Hosanna Church led me to consider, “What is the culture I am seeking to create?” A local church culture is the combined attributes of all of its members. Sometimes it isn’t easily articulated in words, but its felt, or experienced, sometimes before you even enter the doors.

So, what kind of church culture do you want to be a part of? If you had to choose three things to be known for in your local church, what would they be, and more importantly, what is your part to create that culture? In a time where the cultural air is so toxic, condemning, accusing, and so full of negativity, what can we do to create a culture that is counter what this world offers?