The gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation of who we are. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the reason for the hope that is within us. The gospel of Jesus Christ not only saved us; his gospel is changing us more and more into his image. That means from the day we first believed until life’s final breath, the gospel of Jesus Christ is our greatest need. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest need of the world, and so the mission of sharing the Good News in a variety of ways locally and globally is of primary importance to us.

Numerous times in the New Testament we see the difference it made when local churches would partner together in support of what was happening through the gospel somewhere else. We want to support and share in mission in ways that strengthen local churches, domestically and internationally. While each local church needs to define its own calling from the Lord related to mission, there are some key ways in which we can do more and reach more together than we can on our own.